TL;DR: Often during the recruitment process a candidate may be required to sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) before moving further in the interview process as sensitive or commercial-in-confidence topics may be discussed. GoodTime has developed a new integration with (one of the most popular secure form tools available) to allow the sharing, signing and validation of an electronic form, such as an NDA, from within the GoodTime platform. We recommend using a central team account.
DocuSign Integration in action:
1. The GoodTime integration with DocuSign provides a hassle-free way to dynamically include a link in candidate communications to a DocuSign Form for the candidate to sign.
2. Once signed, the integration will d eliver confirmation directly into the candidate's scheduled event in the GoodTime dashboard, eliminating the need to jump back and forth between tools prior to an interview to verify that the candidate has DocuSigned their form.
To setup this integration you must have an 'Admin' role within your companies DocuSign account and have 'SuperAdmin' access within GoodTime. The attached Docusign Integration Guide provides a detailed overview of all integration steps: