This video from 16 May 2024 demonstrates updates currently in development!
- Roundup Setting Updates (Company and Template level)
- Multi-Day Roundup Scheduling
- Interview Activity Notes in Roundups
Let's dive deeper to understand the Roundup scheduling process more:
When scheduling a Roundup in GoodTime there are a couple of spots that can have an affect on your Roundup (we will look at each in turn):
1. Base Templates
2. Email Templates
3. Scheduling Flow
1. Base Templates:
Default Roundup Title You're able to adjust the default calendar event title for your roundup on the Interviewer Calendar Event Info portion of your Base Template.
Default Roundup Event Description You're able to adjust the default calendar event description as well and utilize variables as well!
Be sure you use a dedicated $Roundup.<vcs name>.Link variable in your template to ensure your Roundups are always created with a unique video link to the one that was used for the interview.
2. Email Templates
When you go to make a New Email Template, you'll have the option to create a template for either Candidates or Interviewers.
You may want to create a templated email that you can send to your interviewers when you're scheduling then for a Roundup/Debrief.
This email can be particularly relevant if you want to reiterate the purpose of this call and reinforce the hiring team's expectations during the roundup.
Link Email Template by navigating to the Email Communication tab in your Base (or interview) Template. Scroll down to Link Email Template(s) for Interviewers, if you do not have this functionality please reach out to your CSM to turn it on.
3. Scheduling Flow - How to Indicate a Roundup Is Needed
When a recruiter is queuing a candidate (or a coordinator is updating an existing interview), there is a field option to select if a Roundup/Debrief is needed.
4. Scheduling Flow - How to Schedule a Roundup / Debrief
After you've scheduled an interview you can click into it from the GoodTime Dashboard and scroll down to Schedule Roundup in order to add a Roundup/Debrief to the interview.
GoodTime will pull up the calendar event title that you identified in your Base Template and will add in all of the interviewers from the interview that you scheduled.
NOTE: If you have scheduled interviews across multiple days GoodTime is currently only able to see the interviewers associated with the interview you are attaching the Roundup onto. You will need to add interviewers form the additional days to include them in the roundup. - If there are additional interviewers you'd like to add, you can click +Another Interviewer.
- When setting the Scheduling Time Frame be aware that this is the maximum amount of time a roundup can be scheduled before or after an interview. Search your options and grab a time.
- From here you will be taken to the Roundup confirmation page. You can also select a feedback form so that the Roundup is synced to your ATS if you desire
- When you click Schedule Now your interview will now have the Roundup Symbol next to it and if you click into the interview you will be able to see the confirmation status of this Roundup
🎉 Woohoo! You've scheduled a Roundup in GoodTime.
- If you wish to Reschedule or Update a Roundup, and the interview has already taken place, you will first need to toggle on 'COMPLETED' interviews in your dashboard so that you can see the interview with the attached Roundup in order to then update it. The following video demonstrates how to Update a Roundup.
- The following article also provides additional detail about who to create and use a dedicated roundup video link: Roundup/Debrief Video Links