TL;DR: The Workday + GoodTime integration connects your GoodTime account with Workday Recruiting, allowing you to keep all candidate interview information synced between platforms whilst taking advantage of GoodTime's scheduling efficiencies. This integration requires that GoodTime has access to Workday Recruiting and its APIs.
Are you a new GoodTime customer?
If you are a new GoodTime customer, the GoodTime Professional Services team will guide your though the WD integration process in detail as part of your GoodTime onboarding.
Are you an existing GoodTime+WD customer or considering moving to WD?
If you are an existing GoodTime customer and would like to review your WD integration, you can find a downloadable WD + GoodTime integration guide at the bottom of this article. If you are considering moving from your current Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to Workday Recruiting we ask that you provide your Customer Success Manager (CSM) as much notice as possible as there are many integration steps to consider when migrating to Workday Recruiting. NOTE: Migrating your ATS will incur a professional Services Fee. Many customers will hire a Workday consultant to support them through this integration. If you would like to consider this option but do not have a relationship with any Workday consulting partners please speak to your CSM and we would be happy to an introduction to Workday consultant partners who have worked through this process before.
> GoodTime Chrome Extension for WD:
To get the most from GoodTime you will want to download the GoodTime Google Chrome plugin. The GoodTime Google Chrome plugin will allow for the 'Open in GoodTime' button to appear within your Candidate's Profile in WD.
NOTE: For the GoodTime Chrome extension for WD to operate you will need to have the 'Include ID in Candidate name' active within your WD account. The video and directions below showcase how to activate this setting.
How to setup your GoodTime Chrome Extension for WD:
STEP 1: WD Admin Setup:
1. Within WD search for 'Edit Tenant Setup - HCM'
- NOTE: this step may need to be completed by your WD admin
2. Toggle the check box to 'Include ID in Candidate Name'
3. Click OK
- With this setting active the candidate's ID will be listed internally within the candidate profile in WD. This will also allow for GoodTime to more accurately and quickly identify and sync/update candidate profiles when scheduling.
STEP 2: End-User Setup:
1. Log into your GoodTime account.
2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen
3. Click on 'Download Plugin' menu item
4. Click 'Add to Chrome' in the top right corner and then + 'Add Extension'
5. Click refresh within your ATS browser window to see the 'Open in GoodTime' button appear.
Updating your WD Business Processes (BPs) Interview Stages:
For GoodTime to correctly sync to your WD instance, we do need to understand your unique BPs and Interview stages. Your BPs and Interview Stages are typically configured as part of your initial GoodTime Integration. If you have made changes to your BPs or Interview Stages in WD and you need to updated GoodTime you can do this via the "Company Settings" menu. To update your BPs and Interview stages follows these steps:
1. Navigate to your Company Settings menu in GoodTime (Note: this menu can only be accessed by a Super Admin user).
2. Click on the 'Workday Stages' button.
3. Copy and paste your updated list of Business Processes in the indicated field
- Updating your WD workflow steps will replace the currently registered stages. Please ensure the full updated list of Business Processes (do not just add the new stages).
- Format for your updated stages are: Stage ID followed by the Stage Name separated by a comma.
- Each stage should be listed on a new line.
- Ensure you list all stages in the order you want the represented in GoodTime.
4. Click the "Save Workday Stages" to save your changes.
> Downloadable WD+GoodTime Integration Guide:
For more context on the Workday Recruiting + GoodTime integration process please see the attached integration guide.