TL;DR: This is a guide on how to integrate Microsoft Teams with GoodTime. If the O365 integration has not yet been completed, please complete this step.
Requirements to turn this on:
- In order to integrate Teams, the IT administrator must complete the integration of O365 for the organization. Please verify with your CSM that this has been fully integrated.
- Your Microsoft Teams admin will need to complete Connecting Microsoft Teams for GoodTime step below
Connecting Microsoft Teams for GoodTime:
- Once O365 integration is completed, you can go to Settings > Company > Video Conferencing > Microsoft Teams > click the purple Connect button
- Once you’re connected, it should show “Connected.” Then you need to click the “save” button in the upper right corner to save settings. And now Team link variables can be embedded within your interview templates within seconds.
Using Microsoft Teams Link Generation in Templates
- Once the integration steps above have been successfully completed, it’s very easy to start using the Team link variables in your Interview Templates.
To add the link, you'll need to use the $Interview.TeamsLink variable in both the Interviewer & Candidate invites.
- For interviewers, the link will appear where you place the $Interview.TeamsLink variable
- For candidates, the link will always generate at the bottom of the invite. Because of this, we recommend putting the $Interview.TeamsLink variable at the bottom of the invite. You can also include a sentence saying "please join using the Teams link at the bottom of the invite"
What does the Candidate see?
If the candidate is on Outlook, the candidate will receive an embedded “Join” link within their invite.
- They will also see a link at the bottom of the invite:
If the candidate is on Google or another service provider, they will see a hyperlink at the bottom of the invite:
- Once the candidate clicks “Join”, they several options on how to join the meeting
- Candidate would input their name and click “Join Now”
- Candidate will then see “When the meeting starts, we’ll let people know you’re waiting”
What does the Interviewer see?
- In the Interviewer’s calendar invite, you’ll see the blue Teams link pulled in from the variable used in the template
- Once the interviewer clicks on the link to join the meeting, the interviewer will also have options on how to join the meeting on Teams
- Once the interviewer clicks “Join Now”, they’ll be able to see the [Candidate Name] is waiting in the lobby. At this point the interviewer will need to Admit the candidate.
- Question: Can Microsoft Team link be hyperlinked for the Interviewer invite?
- Answer: It is on the roadmap but timeline is TBD.
- Question: Are we able to enable password protection on MS team links or embed a passcode?
- Answer: This seems to be on the Microsoft roadmap. Note that even though there is no password protection feature, the candidate needs to wait in the lobby and must be admitted by the event creator when they join the meeting.
- Question: Are interviewers in a multi-event panel able to join the meeting without permission?
- Answer: Yes, anyone who is invited to the event within the interview panel can join the meeting without permission.