TL;DR: The GoodTime Dashboard lists the different 'Status' that an interview may be in. You can use the top right filter to view only interviews in a specific status.
By default, the left-hand pane of your dashboard will display interviews in the Queue, Pick Up, Pending Review, or Pending Candidate Response status. Interviews on the right-hand pane of your dashboard will be in the Hold, Confirmed or Conflict status. You will also see Completed and most Canceled interviews on your right-hand pane (by default, these status are not toggled-on to display).
The following image provides an overview of the different statuses you will see on your dashboard:
Interview Status Definitions:
Queued: When a candidate is moved from your ATS to GoodTime you have the option to 'Queue' them for later scheduling. This Status can be used as part of a scheduling handoff process between Recruiter and Recruiting Coordinator.
- A candidate has been 'Queued' by one of the team for scheduling at a later date by the assigned coordinator form the hiring team
- Candidates will remain in the 'Queue' status until the ticket is moved forward by the coordinator
- 'Queued' candidates will display how long they have been in this status. Based on your Dashboard SLA settings the information displayed will also change color.
Pick Up: This status indicates that a candidate has been Queued to a 'Coordination Group'.
- Candidates will remain in the 'Pick Up' status until this interview is clicked and actioned by a member of the assigned Coordination Group.
- Candidates in 'Pick Up' will display how long they have been in this status.
Pending Candidate Response: A Coordinator has sent a 'Requested Availability' invite to a candidate and you are waiting for the candidate to action this invite and select available times and share times they are available.
- The candidate has been reached out to via the 'Request Availability' workflow and you are awaiting the candidate to share their availability.
> If 'Require Review' setting was active for their Request Availability reach-out, the candidate will automatically move to the 'Pending Review' status when they share availability.
> If 'Require Review' setting was disabled for this Request Availability reach-out, the candidate will be automatically scheduled by GoodTime and moved to the 'Confirmed' status when they share availability.
- Candidates in 'Pending Candiate' will display how long they have been in this status. Based on your Dashboard SLA settings the information displayed will also change color.
Pending Review: This status indicates a candidate has shared their availability via their Request Availability invite and the Coordinator is now required to review their availability and go through the 'Schedule Now' workflow to confirm which time the interview will take place.
- Candidates will remain in the 'Pending Review' status until a scheduler uses the shared candiate availability to completes the 'Schedule Now' workflow.
- Candidate interviews in 'Pending Review' will display how long they have been in this status. Based on your Dashboard SLA settings the information displayed will also change color.
Hold: A Coordinator has gone through the Schedule Now flow, finalized the panel, and clicked Hold instead of Schedule Now. This is most commonly done when the Coordinator wishes to receive final approval from the interviewers or executive admins on times before sending out a confirmation to the candidate.
- An interview has been scheduled into an interviewer(s) calendar and they have been notified of this potential interview. You can elect to notify or NOT notify the candidate of this potential interview time.
- Candidate interviews will remain in the 'Hold' status until the interview is moved forward to the 'Confirmed' status. (typically when the interviewer(s) accept the proposed interview time identified by the [Hold] event in their calendar.
- Candidate interviews in the 'Hold' status will also display how many of the assigned interviewers have accepted the interview. Hovering over this data will provide additional interviewer details.
Hold Until XX/XX/XX: This will appear when a Coordinator uses the 'Schedule Now' workflow but intentionally choses to send out the confirmation email at a later time and date they have specified. The date listed shows when the confirmation email and calendar event will be sent to the candidate.
NB: When using the hold function the interviewers’ calendar invites get sent immediately.
Confirmed: The interview has been scheduled on both the Candidate and the Interviewer(s) calendar.
- Given that a Candidate has offered their availability, and GoodTime schedules into 'open' space on an interviewer's calendar, GoodTime will mark these events as 'Confirmed' even if the Candidate and Interviewer(s) have not accepted their calendar invite. For this reason, GoodTime will assume the interview is confirmed until told otherwise. It is only by exception (i.e. when a Candidate or Interviewer declines an event) that the Interview status will change to 'Conflict'.
- Candidates will typically remain in this status until they are 'Completed'
- Candidate interviews in the 'Confirmed' status will also display how many of the assigned interviewers have accepted the interview. Hovering over this data will provide additional interviewer details.
Conflict: The 'Conflict' status implies that there is some form of issue with the scheduled interview. The Conflict status will typically flag that an interviewer or candidate has declined their calendar event.
- If an interviewer declines, interviews in the 'Conflict' status will also display how many of the assigned interviewers have declined the interview. Hovering over this data will provide additional interviewer details.
Completed: Once an interview event has run its course it will automatically move to the 'Completed' status and will be hidden from view in the Dashboard. You can always toggle-on the Completed status to view previously conducted interview events.
Canceled: Candidate interviews that have been manually 'Cancelled' will be moved to this status and hidden from the dashboard.