TL;DR: Many Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) provide the ability to mark a role/candidate as being 'confidential' or 'private' so that details of that specific role or candidate are not shared outside of a small group of specified individuals. The GoodTime Confidential Interviews feature ensures that any role/candidate who is marked as confidential or private within your ATS can also be scheduled confidentially within GoodTime.
Each ATS manages this process differently. The following table provides a summary of how confidentiality is achieved in each ATS and how GoodTime manages the confidential data from each ATS.
ATS Setting | How GoodTime manages this confidential data |
Greenhouse |
Candidates can be set to "private" | Interviews involving a "private"candidate will be automatically marked confidential |
Workday |
Job Requisition can be set to "confidential" | All interviews associated with a "confidential" job req will be marked confidential |
Lever |
Opportunity can be set to "confidential" | All interviews involving a "confidential" opportunity will be marked confidential |
SmartRecruiters |
Job Postings can be set to "private" | All interviews associated with a "private" job posting will be marked confidential |
Jobvite |
Job Posting type can be set to "internal" | Any job posting set to be "internal" will be marked confidential |
It is common to have the requirement to schedule a candidate in a confidential manner. Such examples of when you might want to do this are when:
- Scheduling for internal candidates,
- The replacement for a senior-level departure has not been announced and you wish to hire for their replacement confidentially,
- Hiring for positions associated with a new business vertical that has not been announced, or
- Scheduling interviews associated with a mergers and acquisition process.
When a role or candidate is marked as confidential/private in a supported ATS, GoodTime will automatically reflect that confidentiality by hiding or masking data associated with that candidate or role. Only those with "Confidential Data Access" turned on for them by a Super Admin in their user profile will be able to see these candidates or roles.
Note that Confidential Data Access grants your user the ability to see ALL confidential roles and candidates. Roles and candidates can not be revealed selectively.
Toggling on a user for Confidential Data Access will enable that user to have access to information about confidential jobs and candidates, and give them the ability to schedule interviews for these candidates. The users with such access can also see interview metrics about confidential interviews. Users without confidential access will not have access to any jobs, candidates or interviews that are confidential. Only Super Admins can toggle this access for any users.
FEATURE ACCESS NOTE: If you do not see the ability for your Super Admin users to authorize 'Confidential Data Access' (as shown above) for your users, speak to your CSM to have this feature activated in your account.
1. Roles and candidates shared with your GoodTime system BEFORE Confidential Data Access was enabled by GoodTime will NOT become private. Only NEWLY created confidential roles or candidates will adhere to your confidentiality settings from the ATS.
2. You cannot specify confidentiality on specific roles/candidates only. The GoodTime Confidential Roles feature is a company level setting and as such will operate across all of GoodTime when activated.
3. Any Super Admin user within GoodTime can give access to see confidential roles/ candidates . You may want to conduct a strict review of your Super Admin users before activating confidential roles.
4. You cannot adjust confidentiality within GoodTime. The ATS controls all confidential designations.
A full guide is available in PDF format
Please review the attached PDF document for further information about Confidential Roles within GoodTime.