TL;DR: So you’ve been on GoodTime for some time now. How can you ensure you’re optimizing GoodTime to its fullest potential? Below is a recommended audit with a checklist of things to look out for.
Review & Refine Email and Interview Templates
- You may have accumulated 100s or 1000s of templates over time. We recommend cleaning up some of the Email and Interview templates that are old or haven’t been used in awhile. Such as ones that haven’t been used since 2020 or before.
- We can create a custom report with all of your current templates, showing how frequently they've been used and the last time they were used. To help you better determine where to clean up.
- After you've reviewed all of your templates, you can archive any old templates.
Create new Interview templates as your organization changes
- As your organization grows, you’ll have new departments, roles and regions. Create new Interview Templates to support your growth and ensure that they are linked to your Base Templates.
Review, Update and Resync Base templates to your updated Interview templates
- Remember, Base Templates are the building blocks to your Interview Templates. We recommend having a base template for each stage of your hiring process.
- Review what Base Templates you currently have to see where any information could be updated.
Teams that leverage templates see an ability for each coordinator to schedule 45% more interviews per month.
Review and update Tags
- We recommend these categorizes of tags: Levels, Timezone, Location, Culture fit, Diversity
- Discuss with your team where you can better utilize existing tags by updating your Interview templates
- Are there new ways that your interviewers could be categorized? Such as technical related skills? Department related skills?
- Make sure your active interviewers are up to date with the correct tags, so they can be considered for interview availability for their tagged group
With 5 or more trained interviewers in a tag, it allows for candidates to have a 96% chance of finding a time that works for them. This means faster time on site and a better Candidate Experience!
Review and update Interviewer Training
Interviewer Training helps you grow your quantity of qualified interviewers by managing your trainees and training process in one centralized location.
Review Team settings
We recommend doing a review of your Team settings and members every quarter or every six months usually after a promotion cycle. To continue managing team members, and making sure new team members are up to date in your GoodTime team settings with job titles and LinkedIn URLs.
Review Insights
The Insights tab allows for deeper analysis of which interviewers, departments or interview styles are your most or least efficient.
- Who are your strongest schedulers?
- What are your coordinator(s) interview numbers, are they balanced?
- Where are there disconnects between interviewer load balance and why?
Review Dashboard
With scheduling and interviews happening quickly, sometimes your Dashboard can fill up. It's best practice to review on a quarterly basis to clean up any interviews that were not completed.
- Look at how many interviews are"Syncing pending candidate response." If it’s a high number and interviews date back more than a year, we recommend cleaning up those older interviews.
Review Company & Interview Settings
- What company-wide calendars are you syncing? Do you have separate candidate and interviewer calendars?
- What keywords are you using? Are they still relevant to your team's calendar hygiene? Is Calendar hygiene being communicated to the rest of your organization at least every 6 months to ensure consistent naming conventions you've set up?
- What do your reminder and reschedule settings look like? Do they need an update? Are you ready to turn off "Require Review"?
- How about your branding? Do you need to update the images?
New features and updates
GoodTime is always evolving with new updates and features to make your user experience better. Check with your CSM to learn about any new features or updates that you could utilize in your scheduling!
The linked article here provides a checklist you can use to assess if your have fully optimized your use of the GoodTime platform: GoodTime Optimization Checklist