Video Overview: Automatic Scheduling and Require Review
(this video is a bit lengthy, but it will tell y'all all you need to know!)
TL;DR: When sending a Request Availability invite to a candidate, you have the option to either review the candidate’s availability and choose the date/time of the interview yourself before confirming the interview... OR, you can also allow GoodTime to auto-schedule interviews based on the earliest availability a candidate provides.
With the latter option, GoodTime’s automatic scheduling intelligently matches the candidates provided availability with the open space in your listed interviewers calendars before confirming this schedule and sending the necessary calendar invitations to both the interviewer(s) and candidate.
Best Use Cases for Enabling Automatic Scheduling:
- Once you feel familiar with GoodTime’s automation and would like to reduce manual involvement of your recruiting team in the scheduling process;
- When scheduling less complex interviews, such as one-on-one Recruiter calls or Hiring Manager screens, that are easily scheduled without coordinator review; and
- When scheduling interviews that do not require additional context be shared with the candidate in a confirmation email (Note: candidates scheduled automatically when 'Require Review.\ Before Scheduling' is toggled off will not receive a confirmation email).
How to enabling Automatic Scheduling:
There are three ways to enable automatic scheduling in your GoodTime account. The linked Setup article indicates the different was in which you can toggle on/off 'Require Review Before Scheduling'