TL;DR: If you happen to collect a candidates availability outside of GoodTime's Request Availability workflow you can easily add this availability into GoodTime as you commence your scheduling process using the Multi-Source Candidate Availability feature.
This article provides an overview of where you are able to insert a candidate's availability into GoodTime. For a full walk-through of this process please see the video below:
Set Candidate Availability PRIOR to searching interview options:
- If you have collected a candidates availability outside of GoodTime you can set the candidates availability prior to searching interview options via the following steps:
- Search for the candidate in GoodTime or bring the candidate from your ATS to commence the scheduling process;
- Click the 'Schedule Now' button;
- Add/verify the appropriate interview template you wish to use;
- Click '+ Set Availability' button on the 'AVAILABLE TIME FOR THE CANDIDATE' tile;
- Add the dates and times the candidate has shared with you into the calendar pane;
- Click 'Set Availability' once you have added all candidate availability;
- When you click 'Continue', the GoodTime algorithm will consider these dates and times you have set as the candidates availability when it runs the search algorithm to identify possible times this interview can be conducted.
Set Candidate Availability AFTER searching interview options:
- If you have collected a candidates availability outside of GoodTime but you forget to add this availability prior to running the GoodTime search algorithm you can always add it after the initial search has already been conducted. In this case the search algorithm will default to searching full company business hours on those dates indicated by the scheduler.
- Search for the candidate in GoodTime or bring the candidate from your ATS to commence the scheduling process;
- Click the 'Schedule Now' button;
- Add/verify the appropriate interview template you wish to use;
- Click 'Continue' to start the search process;
- GoodTime will present you a calendar view ask you to provide details of the days you wish to search. When you click 'Search X Days' GoodTime will default to searching across the full range of your listed company 'business hours';
- If you wish to refine this search but including the specific availability shared by the candidate you can always edit the 'Selected Dates and Times' in the left hand tile or '+Add Another Date and Time' to refine the dates and times you wish the GoodTime scheduling algorithm to search.
Collecting a Candidates availability through the GoodTime 'Request Availability' offers some key advantages to collecting a candidates availability outside of GoodTime. The GoodTime 'Request Availability' workflow provides:
- a fully branded experience that can enhance your employer branding efforts,
- a mobile-friendly process allowing your candidates to provide availability from their cell phone,
- automatic verification and collection of the candidates time-zone,
- a mechanism to ensure candidates cannot provide less availability than you require to host the interview (i.e. if it is a 1hr interview GoodTime will not let them offer only 30 minutes availability),
- the ability to fully automate the scheduling workflow for less complex interviews.