Building Templates Overview
Templates are the backbone of GoodTime. For each candidate, RCs will use these templates to schedule interviews. To kickstart the automated scheduling experience, you will need to transfer some existing content into GoodTime. In this section we will cover:
- Email Templates
- Base Templates
- Interview Templates
When thinking of what templates you will need to create, we suggest you create a template for every interview type (Phone, Video, Onsite, etc.) and job (Business, Engineering, etc) combination. Review Templates Worksheet.
Base Templates contains repeatable information linked to child templates to allow for easier management of templates. A base template can have a parent - child relationship with other templates so that anything changed in the base will be reflected in the children templates. We will talk more about base templates in a future lesson.
Email Templates
Exercise - Create an Email Template
There are 4 main scheduling workflows within GoodTime. We recommend creating 4 email templates to communicate each step:
- Request Availability
- Confirmation
- Request Availability to Reschedule an Interview
- Confirmation for a Rescheduled Interview
Here is a help desk article around the different variables or tokens that can be used in GoodTime.
Open GoodTime and create an email template
Base Templates
Exercise - Create a Base Template
Launch GoodTime and create a base template for your foundation.
We recommend creating one for the following:
- Recruiter Phone Screen
- HM Phone Screen
- HM Video Screen
- Virtual Onsite
Interview Templates
Linking Email Communications to your Interview Templates
Greets and Walkouts
Exercise - Create an Interview Template
Launch GoodTime and create a phone screen or virtual onsite interview template
Continue to the next lesson here