TL;DR: BrightHire is an AI powered note-taker designed to support the recruiting process. BrightHire is intended to join recruiting calls and build AI summaries of the conversations to support the hiring process as well as provide AI-powered analytics.
Using BrightHire with GoodTime:
BrightHire can be used seamlessly with GoodTime to automatically collate your interview feedback. It is with noting; however, BrightHire and GoodTime DO NOT integrate directly, nor can you invite BrightHire to attend your GoodTime scheduled meetings through GoodTime directly. Here is the recommended way to use BrightHire with GoodTime:
Automated via your ATS:
The preferred way to use the GoodTime and BrightHire together is to leverage BrightHire's integration with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Through BrightHire's integration with your ATS you can ask BrightHire to join any interview that is referenced by your ATS. As GoodTime syncs all scheduled events back to your ATS this will allow BrightHire to join any recruiting-related interview that GoodTime schedules. This is the most streamlined way of using these tools together and also ensures that BrightHire will only ever join recruiting-related calendar events.
Greenhouse Integration guide: This link provides you guidance on how to connect BrightHire with your Greenhouse ATS: Greenhouse and BrightHire Integration
- To use BrightHire with GoodTime, you will also need to ask for your GoodTime CSM to adjust your GoodTime settings so that your video links are pushed back to your candidates's ATS profile.
- If you schedule roundups/debriefs in GoodTime and you want BrightHire to join these events you will need to toggle on in your ATS Integration setting in GoodTime to "Sync Roundups back to your ATS".
- This option currently only works with Greenhouse and Lever ATS.
If you have any final questions about using BrightHire together with GoodTime please do not hesitate to reach out to your GoodTime CSM or the BrightHire team.