TL;DR: GoodTime will provide users with guidance as they schedule regarding interviewer settings that may limit scheduling availability. Interviewer Setting guidance are generated to provide schedulers with greater clarity regarding specific interviewer settings that might negatively impact your scheduling.
Types of Interviewer Guidance:
There are three (3) key types of interview conflicts you will see annotated by GoodTime:
1) Blocked Calendars:
When one of your interviewers has 50% of their calendar or more blocked during the period you are looking to schedule you will receive the following notification:
2) Load Limit Reached:
This guidance will flag when one or more of your interviewers have reached their load limit and will therefore impact the available time slots a candidate has to choose from.
3) Same Interviewer in Multiple Events:
This guidance flags when you may have inadvertently placed the same interviewer in separate events. NOTE: you can schedule past this error or you can toggle within your template settings to ‘allow duplicate interviewers’ which will stop this error from appearing in the first place.
4) Buffer Limiting Availability:
This guidance will appear when an interviewers buffer settings are identified as limiting the calendar availability.
This guidance will appear when an interviewers buffer settings are identified as limiting the calendar availability.