Candidate Pulse Score Report
This article provides an overview of the Candidate 'Pulse Score' report within GoodTime's Insights Tab
Candidate pulse is a one-click (NPS-style) candidate feedback feature. The candidate pulse has been designed to be sent to each candidate immediately after their interview concludes and to deliver quantitative candidate feedback on your interview process into the Candidate Pulse insights report as promptly as possible. Click here to learn more about Overview - Candidate Pulse & Candidate Surveys
Pulse Score Report in Detail
The Pulse Score Report is a valuable way of understanding your candidate's experience of your recruiting process. As the Pulse Score is collected as NPS-style feedback it provides a near-instant qualitative overview of those roles and stages in your recruiting process that your candidates are most happy with (and those they are not). While this report defaults to representing an org-wide view of your Candidate Pulse feedback, you can easily filter by specific roles to conduct a deep dive into the candidate response to specific jobs and stages. Furthermore, aggregated data from across the GoodTime customer base provides you with an industry benchmark to compare against and AI job categories allow you to filter against specific job category benchmarks. NOTE: When activated the Candidate Pulse survey sends a one-click feedback request to all candidates and the data is presented here only when a large enough sample size has been collected to ensure the anonymity of respondents.
Metrics Explained:
This report provides direct candidate sentiment feedback as collected via the Candidate Pulse feature. By default, this data is displayed in the graph as a daily average across all your roles from the past month. This is further presented in the table by Job (as listed in your ATS). Note: The table will dynamically update based on any filters you have applied. Also, note that the underlying data presented is refreshed daily so at any given time should be at most 24 hours old.
Graph Overview:
Date Range: On the top right of the graph you will see the date range picker. The default date range for the data presented on this tab is the past month. Based upon the quantity of data you have available within GoodTime you are able to extend the date range to provide a view of a larger time frame. Depending on how large your date range is, you will have access to different grouping options. For example; if looking at a month's worth of data you can graph daily or weekly. If looking at a year's worth of data you can graph weekly, monthly or quarterly.
Filter Options: on the top left of the graph you will see the filter field. The filter option field allows you to filter by any role (or roles) from within your Applicant Tracking System (ATS). 💡BEST PRACTICE: If you have used a consistent naming convention for your job titles this can assist in easily selecting multiple roles from the same department or region. When filtering by a specific role you also can review that role's feedback further broken down by stage (as per your ATS-identified interview stages).
AI Job Categories: GoodTime employs an AI NLP (Natural Language Processor) to assist in providing you with the ability to filter options by Job Category such as 'Engineering', 'Marketing', or 'Sales' (for example). This AI Job Category filtering is the first step towards real-time benchmarking that will allow you to compare the Candidate Pulse score of your own roles within a specific job category against GoodTime's broader customer base. Please note, when using an AI filter the table also updates to reflect those roles which our AI engine has grouped within the listed job category.
Table Overview:
Job Title: This is the job & stage for which the Pulse score was submitted. The Job title of the scheduled role is pulled from your Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Clicking the ▶︎ arrow to the left of the Job Title provides details of the specific ATS stage(s) captured as part of each specific role's Turnaround Time calculation.
Pulse Score: This is the average candidate pulse score for the job & stage in the time interval specified. It is worth reiterating that the candidate pulse score is collected directly from your candidates after their interview at each round. This data is not manipulated in any way (aside from being averaged across your sample size), meaning it provides you with a clear and unfiltered understanding of your candidate's sentiment of your interview process as it relates to each role and stage.
Total Responses: This is the total number of candidate pulse scores submitted by your candidates for each job & stage.
Total Sent: This is the total number of candidate pulse request emails sent to candidates for the listed role and stage. This figure will typically represent the total quantity of interviews completed for that job and stage as a candidate pulse feedback request is sent to each candidate after an interview concludes.
Submission %: This is the number of candidate pulse submissions received as a percentage (total responses divided by total sent).