Interviewer Leaderboard
This article provides an overview of GoodTime's 'Interviewer Leaderboard' Insight report
- The 'Interviewer Leaderboard' as the name suggests provides a visual overview of how many interviews each of your business interviewers have conducted within a given period.
- If you have built and assigned demographic tags (like department, sub-team, time zone, or region) this report can provide an easy way of identifying the volume of business interviewers meeting with candidates by different business units or regions.
- This report defaults to showing the number of interviewers meeting with candidates per day but can be filtered to provide a broader overview or more specific data when filtered by individual scheduler, role, tag, or date.
Interviewer Leaderboard Report in Detail
The Interviewer Leaderboard can be a valuable tool for visualizing the volume of interviewers who have conducted interviews over a set period of time. While this report defaults to representing an org-wide view of your interviewer activity, it can also be used to provide a deep dive into the interviewer activity at the regional, team, or individual level. NOTE: Your org will need to have established demographic tags to filter by these groupings. This article provides greater context around those items you see listed on your Interviewer Leaderboard within the GoodTime Insights Tab.
Metrics Explained:
This report provides insight into the number of interviewers engaged in your interviewing process over time. This report only shows interviews that have already occurred and the date displayed is when that interview took place. As this report defaults to showing your whole organization, you can easily filter the 'accepted' column of the table to see who are your most engaged interviewers over a specific time period. Note: The table will dynamically update based on any filters you have applied. Also, note that the underlying data presented is refreshed daily so at any given time should be at most 24 hours old.
Graph Overview:
Date Range: On the top right of the graph you will see the date range picker. The default date range for the data presented on this tab is the past month. Based upon the quantity of data you have available within GoodTime you are able to extend the date range to provide a view of a larger time frame. Depending on how large your date range is, you will have access to different grouping options. For example; if looking at a month's worth of data you can graph daily or weekly. If looking at a year's worth of data you can graph weekly, monthly or quarterly.
Filter Options: on the top left of the graph you will see the filter field. The filter option field allows you to draw upon the basic filters you have within your GoodTime platform to further refine the data you wish to display. The most common filtering options are as follows:
- Name: Filter by the name of any person who was scheduled as an interviewer to meet with a candidate. You can also use email addresses to assist in filtering by specific interviewers.
- #Tag: Filtering by a tag (or tags) will present only interviewers that have the assigned tag. It is worth noting that this tag relates to the interviewer and not if the associated tag was used to schedule the interview.; i.e if you filter by a tag titled '#Hiring Manager' we would show ANY interviewer who has that tag and how is scheduled to meet with a candidate within the specified period. We would not show only 'Hiring Manager' interview events. Any additional filtering options will be listed here as they become available.
AI Job Categories: GoodTime employs an AI NLP (Natural Language Processor) in order to assist in providing you with the ability to filter options by Job Category such as 'Engineering', 'Marketing', or 'Sales' (for example). This AI Job Category filtering is the first step towards real-time benchmarking that will allow you to compare your own roles within a specific job category against GoodTime's broader customer base. Please note, when using an AI filter the table also updates to reflect those roles which our AI engine has grouped within the listed job category.
Table Overview:
Exclude Weekends: At the top left of the table view is a toggle that allows you to exclude weekends (defined as Saturday and Sunday) from the tabulated data.
Show Interview Type: Selecting the 'Show Interview Type' checkbox will update the table to show the count of 'Onsite' and 'Remote' interviews as opposed to a single total. NOTE: For GoodTime to recognize an interview as being 'Onsite' the interview template used to schedule that interview will need to have 'Onsite' toggled activated within the Candidate Calendar Event.
Interviewer: This is the individual who was captured as having accepted/covered/declined the interview within the specified period. The illustrated date is the date on which the interview occurred. Clicking the ▶︎ arrow to the left of the Interviewer name provides details of the job title and ATS stage(s) of the interview in question.
Accepted: This is the number of interviews accepted by the interviewer, that occurred in the date range specified.
Covered: This is the number of interviews where the interviewer was not originally selected but later was chosen as an alternative interviewer to cover for another interviewer. The 'covered' data provides you with insight into those interviewers who are most commonly asked to step in to replace another interviewer who declined. This data can prove particularly useful in identifying interviewers who are most engaged in your recruiting process and whose efforts in stepping-up to cover declining interviewers and avoid reschedules should be celebrated with a high-five âś‹
Total: This is the sum of accepts and covers, onsite & remote.
Average Daily: Average number of interviews conducted on a daily basis for the interviewer.
Average Weekly: Average number of interviews conducted on a weekly basis for the interviewer.
Declined: The number of interviews, in the time range, declined by the interviewer. It is worth noting that GoodTime can only capture this data if your interviewers physically decline their scheduled interview events in their calendars. In order to gather accurate decline data we recommend that all customers encourage their interviewers to decline interview events in their calendar before reaching out to a member of the recruiting team to verbally indicate that they are unable to host an interview. NOTE: If your declining interviewers are consistently declining calendar events then this 'decline' data would typically match your 'covered' data.
Avg. Decline Notice: In addition to capturing the 'waste' metric of which interviewers decline events, GoodTime also captures the average decline window of these interviewers... that is; how close to the start time of the scheduled interview does the interviewer decline. This data is particularly useful in identifying those interviewers who consistently decline an interview event at short notice requiring last-minute updates or reschedules and potentially causing a poor candidate experience. If 'covered' data helps identify those interviewers who deserve a High-5, this field flags those interviewers who may require a slap on the wrist đź‘Ž
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Do the leaderboards show unique interviews or the total number of events?
- The interviewer leaderboard shows how many unique interviews the interviewer participated in during a given time period. This number shows all completed interviews.
- What does the benchmark line on the interviewer leaderboard show?
- These benchmarks are prorated for the number of schedulers. The benchmark line shows GoodTime customers' average based on the same number of schedulers within that time period.
- Why is the Monthly Active Interviewer count different from the number I see on the interviewer leaderboard?
- The leaderboard includes more than just those who participated in interviews (it includes declines, those who accepted and were later removed, those who had an interview covered, etc.). This also only includes interviews completed versus those that may roll over into the next month (e.g. multi-day interviews).
- If a recruiter/coordinator is added to an event, will they be considered an interviewer and added to the MAI?
- Yes, even if they are marked as optional. Best practice is to not have recruiters/coordinators added on the event unless they are actively participating in the interview.
- How do interviewer removals count towards people's totals?
- Interviews do not show up in the Interviewer Leaderboard table in the database (nor in the graphs and table in the Ul) until an interview is completed. At that time, we review each interviewer’s most recent action and store it as their final status for the interview. When we query for data for the interview leaderboard, we filter for accepted, covered, and declined event types. If their last action was being removed, they are not counted for the interview in any way.
- What happens when an interview is rescheduled and a person accepts the same interview multiple times, will that be 1 Accept, or multiple?
- The table shows 1 accept per interview, even if they accepted it 20 times
- How is the decline window calculated?
- The decline window is in fact the time the meeting was responded at minus the time the meeting was created.
- If an interviewer declines the calendar event on their calendar but 2 weeks later accepts it, how will this show up in the data?
- It would show as accepted; it's about the final action at the time the interview was done
- What happens if the interviewer never accepts or declines the interview and it is still on the calendar?
- The leaderboard will count this as an accept if they are still on the calendar event at the time of the interview