TL;DR: When you engage candidates via the Autopliot tool all correspondence will also be collated for that candiate in the 'Candidate Inbox' within your GoodTime HIRE account.
GoodTime High Volume is designed to provide you multiple options as to how you can contact a candidate (SMS/Text message, WhatsApp, or Email) and these messages can all be initiated from either inside the GoodTime and Autopilot chrome extension or the 'Candidate Inbox' within your GoodTime HIRE account. Any messages you send to a candidate are consolidated chronologically within the 'Candidate Inbox'.
Setup Overview.
SMS/Text Message:
- To message a candidate via SMS GoodTime will first need to establish a central cell number for your organization to text candidates from.
- This telephone number is unique to your organization and is shared by all of your GoodTime users when they engage a candidate via SMS/Text Message.
- It is possible to establish multiple localized cell numbers (all PST candidates are engaged from a PST number and all EST candidates from an EST number). There is an additional cost associated for establishing regional cell numbers.
- To message a candidate via WhatsApp GoodTime does first need to validate/establish your organizations WhatsApp account.
- WhatsApp is a Meta partner and as such is linked to your organizations 'Facebook for Business' account. The owner of your organizations Facebook for business account (typically someone in the marketing team) will need to contact GoodTime in order to establish/validate your WhatsApp account.
- To email a candidate from the Autopilot tool each user will need to first login to their email account via the Autopilot tool when prompted.
- While GoodTime HIRE is connected to your companies email system at the company level, as GoodTime Autopilot operates via an individual Chrome extension on an individual user's web browser, it does require individuals to allow access to their email account in order to send emails on your behalf via the Autopilot tool.
Walkthrough Video
Setting up your GoodTime AUtopilot Chrome Extension:
In order to see the Autopilot side-bar within your browser you will need to have downloaded the latest GoodTime Chrome extension. You can click here to download the latest GoodTime Chrome extension from the Google Chrome webstore. The following video provides a demo of the GoodTime Chrome extension in action!