TL;DR: GoodTime Autopilot has been designed from the ground-up to support SMS Text and WhatsApp messaging with candidates. When engaging candidates for high volume, seasonal retail or service industry roles it is common for the whole recruitment process, from application to interview, to be conducted via the candidates cell phone! To best support this mobile-first and high volume hiring process GoodTime Autopilot is designed to engage your candidates where they are most comfortable - on their cell phone!
With GoodTime SMS & WhatsApp Messaging you can:
- Reach candidates directly through SMS and WhatsApp to connect faster,
- Send personalized 1:1 messages to candidates,
- Message groups of candidates in bulk for faster scheduling,
- Text candidates directly from your ATS via the (Message in GoodTime) button, and
- Message candidates right from your browser, via the GoodTime Chrome extension.
To get the most from GoodTime Autopilot SMS/Text and WhatsApp messaging tool you may also want to review the following help videos to understand how to create templates, build knockout questions, and schedule with your templates.
Create SMS/Text and WhatsApp interview templates:
You can build dedicated message blurbs (templates) within the Autopilot tool to further streamline your scheduling processes. These templates are typically designed in a what to make them very short in duration (as they will most commonly be delivered by message) and also allow for you to automate the asking of pre-qualifying criteria and when the messages send.
Scheduling via SMS/Text or WhatsApp templates:
Build screening and knockout questions into your templates:
GoodTime Autopilot allows for you to build screening (or knockout) questions directly into your Autopilot messaging templates. This can help to automate your screening process by assisting prospects who are not qualified for the advertised role to self-select out of the interview process before even providing their availability. When dealing with a large volume of candidates, having the ability to auto-screen is a great time-saver to your scheduling process. Also of note - you are also able to add additional 'disclaimer' text into your screening questions to elaborate on the specific question asked.
Screening questionnaire update (Oct 2023)
Scheduling a message to send later:
A small but mighty feature within the GoodTime Autopilot tool is the ability to schedule a candiate message to send at a specified time. While being able to engage candidates via SMS/Text Message and WhatsApp can greatly increase response rates and speed, it may also be a little intrusive to message candidates after business hours. For this reason you are also able to schedule a candidate message to send at a time you deem is most appropriate. NOTE: Early results from customers using GoodTime Autopilot suggest that candidate response rates are as much as 70% faster when engaged via message as opposed to Email!
How Localized Phone Numbers work:
In order to use the GoodTime Autopilot message feature GoodTime establishes a dedicated cell number for your organization to send SMS/Text messages from. By default all SMS/Text messages for your organization will send for the same cell number. Early reporting has highlighted that candidates do tend to engage more readily when your organizations cell number shares an area code with their own. For instance; if a candiate applies for a role at a local warehouse, they may be less engaged if the recruiting team uses a cell number that makes it clear they are not located in the same location as the candiate (or the warehouse)! To combat this issue, it is possible to purchase additional cell numbers to allow for greater localization. If your account has multiple localized phone numbers attached we will always send you messages from a cell number with an area code closest in geography to the candiate you are reaching out to.