If case studies or take home assignments are part of your hiring process, here's how you can leverage GoodTime to automate this portion.
1- Create Email Templates
- Take Home Assignment - Request Availability
- Sent by RC or Recruiter
- BCC: ATS or team inbox
- Message:
- Sent by RC or Recruiter
We’re happy to move you forward in the interview process. For the next step, we’d like to send over a take home assignment. You will have X hours upon receipt to complete and submit your assignment back. Please use the green “Find a Time” calendar link below to let us know when you would like us to send over the assignment and instructions. Please select only ONE date/time.
Note: After you submit your date/time, your time slot is confirmed. Please be online and ready to receive the email during this timeframe.
Take Home Assignment - Confirmation - Schedule Now
Sent by RC or Recruiter
CC: Hiring Manager, BCC: ATS or team inbox
This email contains information regarding your take home assignment. As a reminder you will have X hours to complete it. Please submit your completed assignment by replying all to this email.
2- Create Take Home Assignment Interview Template
- Interview Panel - Event Title “Case Study - $Candidate.FullName - $Job.Name”
Description: Candidate take home assignment
Duration: 5min
Interviewer: Optional - $Recruiter or $RC
- Candidate Calendar Event - “Client Name Take Home Assignment”
Description: You’ll have X hours/days to complete the assignment. Please submit your completed assignment by replying all to the assignment email.
Include Take Home Exercise Link or Attach Case Study PDF, Word doc
- Email Communication
- Take Home Assignment - Request Availability
- Take Home Assignment - Confirmation - Schedule Now
- Interview Settings
- Extend Business Hours 4am - 11pm Monday through Sunday to allow the candidate to select from a wide range of times.
Don't forget to attach your Take Home Assignment Scorecard
Scheduling: Require Review before confirming schedule.
Now that your templates are set-up, you can automate this process.
1- Request availability like you normally would and ensure click on “Require Review before confirming schedule." This workflow provides the stop gap to ensure that the candidate does not receive the assignment too soon, and we would hold the invite and the confirmation email until the take home is expected to happen.
2- Once the candidate selects the time they want their take home and is in “Pending Review” status, when confirming the interview, you can use the "send later" function in the platform. You may select a custom date/time the candidate specified from the confirmation page, above the subject line of the email draft. This will send both the calendar invite and the confirmation email at the time specified by the candidate.
In most cases, the candidate is being contacted by the recruiter either by phone or email to inform them they'll be scheduled for a take home.
If the candidate selected August 6th at 10:00am, and we want the take home assignment to start at that time, we would use "Custom Date & Time" on the Confirm Interview screen so the candidate receives all of the necessary information at this time. Select the time that the candidate chose as their availability. (Ex. August 6th at 10am)
Note: Send Later/Custom Date & Time functionality works best if you have a minimum of 1 business day before the take home assignment.