Here you will find a list of common Zoom questions and their associated answers:
Why doesn’t my zoom variable appear in emails?
This is expected behavior. It is intentional that zoom links cannot be placed into your Confirmation emails to candidates as once sent, these emails remain static and cannot be updated. Zoom links are always shared in the Candidates calendar event as this allows for them to be updated as required.
Who owns this Zoom link?
The owner of your zoom link can vary based on how you have integrated your Zoom account with GoodTime.
With Zoom Host Pools: If you use Zoom Host Pools within GoodTime, all Zoom links will be owned by one of the listed accounts within your Zoom host pool (or the zoom account og the signed-in GoodTime user if you have exceeded you concurrent meetings limit).
Without Zoom Host Pools: If your company's account doesn't have Zoom Host Pools enabled, the host will always be the signed-in user of GoodTime who scheduled the interview. -
We don’t have concurrent meetings - can you raise our meeting #?
In order to schedule more meetings from your Zoom accounts you can upgrade these to be Zoom 'Concurrent Meeting' accounts. GoodTime is unable to make this change, your would need to reach out to your Zoom CSM in order to initiate this change in your Zoom account capacity.
Our roundup/debrief has a different zoom link as our interview. Is this expected?
GoodTime intentionally generates a unique zoom link that is fully separate from your interview events for any round/debrief meeting scheduled. This is done intentionally in order to remove any chance that a candidate might accidentally join their own roundup meeting. To learn more about the new variable see: Roundup/Debrief Video Links.
Can I record (or used closed captions, or translation or AI assistant tools) for Zoom meetings scheduled in GoodTime?
Yes, this can be achieved but it is not the default setting within GoodTime. Zoom only allows the 'host' of a meeting to conduct actions like Record, activate Closed Captions, Translation, etc. Additionally, only a 'host' can provide these permissions to another guest within a Zoom meeting. If you wish your interviewer(s) to use any of the above Zoom features you should reach out to your GoodTime CSM to ask for the 'Alternate Host' setting to be enabled. When the 'Alternate Host setting is enabled it will add all interviewers associated with the interview as an 'Alternate Host' within Zoom which in turn allows them to access Zoom features typically only available to the 'host'. Of note, activating this feature will also trigger email notifications from Zoom whenever an alternate host is added (we recommend turning off these notifications within Zoom to avoid spamming your interviewers)
I need to edit an interview for a peer - will this affect their zoom links?
If you make changes to an interview event (like updating the calendar event or replacing an interviewer, or even adjusting the date and time or rescheduling) these will not impact the zoom link already created. Any changes you make within GoodTime that impact the interview start date or time will also update the meeting time and duration on Zoom.
How to a generate a NEW zoom link for an existing event?
By default GoodTime will remember the Zoom link associated with a scheduled interview event. If you intentionally want to generate a NEW zoom link on an existing interview you should remove all zoom links from the interview and click update, then re-enter the same interview and re-add the appropriate $zoom variables to generate a new zoom link for the same event. You can find more details on how to add Zoom links to interview templates here.
Do zoom links get cancelled if we reschedule an interview?
Yes. We cancel the meeting associated with the previous date and create a new one respecting the new interview date and duration.
Why do I see a 'recurring' interview event in my Zoom calendar?
It is expected behaviour for GoodTime to generate a 'recurring' Zoom event to support specific edge case interview types. Zoom has a restriction that causes links to expire 30 hours after a meeting commences. For GoodTime users who conduct multi-day interviews or reschedule interviews such that they stretch beyond this 30 hour timeframe this restriction can cause Zoom links to expire. To address this restriction, GoodTime automatically coverts any interview that we see stretch beyond this 30 hours limit into a 'recurring' Zoom interview. While the owner of the Zoom link may see a 'recurring' zoom event in their Zoom calendar, the experience for the interviewer and the candidate remains unchanged. -
I have a FAQs that should be on this list!
Please feel free to share it with your CSM and we will be more than happy to have it added to the GoodTime Help Centre to better support our other customers.